The math is probably correct.
When shooting my 6.5CM and the 6UM, I spot hits equally well. However, when I move up to a 6.5 PRC, I really have to pay attention to see my hits.
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I just got back from Nilgai hunting in Texas. The 6UM went three for three with one-shot kills. Once again, the outfitter/guide was concerned about using a 6MM on Nilgai, especially the bull. He wants a 30cal with a 200g bullet doing 3000 FPS. But, like the PH in Africa, he had questions once...
A lot of old people yelling at clouds in this thread....
I will fix the background this week and fix the ad issue.
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I've used the STC and EL Range for the last two years. Packing around a bigger spotter while hunting is not worth it. The only time I have used my 95 in the previous three years is scouting.
Buzz approves!
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