Recent content by mrgreyman

  1. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    Sure, I can do that. The guys in Colorado I know personally. You are assuming that I am just thinking about myself. I am not. I am trying to get people to think about what laws they are pushing for and possible ramifications.
  2. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    That is pretty crappy just calling this guy a liar. Maybe you should be held to the same standards and post proof that you talked to the Chief LEO in AZ and his response was pretty clear and concise... Also, I have delt with calling a few times for "clarification" on rules and have had to pull...
  3. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    The particular law I am talking about is the new Utah one, but I have land in Colorado, NM, and soon ID. (Colorado law is much better than this new one in Utah. ) It is pretty irrelevant what state though, unless there are differences regarding public and private placement of cameras. I don't...
  4. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    So if I put cameras on my property which butts up against BLM land to monitor for tresspassers how is that "skirting the law?" How is that using trail cameras "when you are not supposed to?"
  5. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    So you like to go to court? Is that fun for you? To me that is punishment right there...It doesn't matter if it gets dismissed or not. You are still being punished.
  6. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    What do you mean by "at home?" In the woods at home? Do you hunt at home?
  7. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    Nope. The initial assessment is done by someone in the field. You get punished whether you are innocent or not if you have to go to court. That means the person in the field has to be a mind reader. How many of those do you know?
  8. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    Sure that's what they said. I am just asking who gets to decide if your camera is there to "take wildlife" or to watch your property/ag fields? I also know that the burdon of proof should be on the division, but how does that saying can beat the rap but can't beat the ride...I would...
  9. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    I watched it. Who gets to decide what someone is using the camera for? That question wasn't answered. Also, their definition of "trail camera" seems to include even my driveway camera.
  10. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    If you think this will not be pushed to it's limit, you have very little experience dealing with the government.
  11. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    And how do they know what you are using them for? What happens when they just charge you anyway? (Like what has been happening frequently with civil asset forfeiture.) Here is your fine, prove you weren't using it to hunt...
  12. M

    Trail cams being outlawed, thoughts?

    Here is a question for all you pro ban people...I am a landowner and like to make sure people are not on my land trespassing/stealing. These cameras are a great way to do that. How is this not government overreach telling me I can't do that? I am not allowed to have surveilance devices on my...