Recent content by Marley33

  1. Marley33

    Sedona AZ

    Just booked a family vacation for mid January. Looking for a to do list for an outdoor oriented family. Thanks in advance!
  2. Marley33

    Long range weather forcasts

    What's your go to weather sites for long range forcasts? I know we all sit at home waiting for D-day of the big hunt and are anxiously checking weather and making last minute gear changes. What's your go to weather app?
  3. Marley33

    HVAC Help

    Silicone would be the standard, tape is alao acceptable but not preffered cosmeticly. I often give the homeowner the option to do this type of work to keep cost down but do explain what should be done.
  4. Marley33

    WTB 15 degree sleeping bag

    I may be intrested also, what do you have ?
  5. Marley33

    WTS Exo K2 3500 Bag only

  6. Marley33

    WTS Nemo Sonic

    Still available?
  7. Marley33

    WTS Exo K2 3500 Bag only

    One small abrasion on bottom of bag, ranger green in color. No lid , bag only 125$ shipped to lower 48
  8. Marley33

    Sold Vortex Viper HS 4-16x50

    Pm sent
  9. Marley33

    Most Reliable New 250/2500 Series Truck

    This will never happen as they burn completely different .
  10. Marley33

    Rodents in vehicle at trailhead

    Do a once over on the truck and stuff steel wool in any obvious spots, also try to park out of the brush if possible.
  11. Marley33

    Rokslide Classifieds Access

    I don't beleive this is correct.
  12. Marley33

    How to catch an untrapable mouse.

    Do the bucket trick, sunflowers in the bottom, then you can personally dispatch him!
  13. Marley33

    How many hunting rifles do you have?

    You can never have too many! There is a point however where one must make room and possibly sell a few to make upgrades to others!
  14. Marley33

    Podcasts, why do you listen

    I find it really depends on the host, some are relatable while some are an instant no!
  15. Marley33

    Shout out to Rokslide

    Curiouse how your hunt turned out,did you end up backpacking during 2nd rifle?