Recent content by kevingm1987

  1. K

    Working Gear List First Sheep Hunt - thoughts?

    How do you plan to wipe you ass?
  2. K

    6.8 Western Powder Choices

    2.955” is mag length,no?
  3. K

    Kuiu Super Down LT ?

    SG gruman is on sale for 50% the price, $199, I would probably go in that direction. Big kuiu guy myself but found a good deal on a gruman a year ago and haven't looked back. That being said, I have zero experience with the Kuiu down LT jacket so can't provide and apples to apples comparison.
  4. K

    First time reloading 6.5 CM

    I don't personally see any mark on the brass that would make me pull back on the charge. I run 42.2gn of H4350 with a 130gn VLD-h
  5. K

    Fierce Rival or Bergara Creat Carbon ? Experiences please!!

    I measure it as 2.972 with my cheap Amazon caliper. This is for the Rival though
  6. K

    Anyone done a Kuiu wrap on anything? Did you need permission?

    Companies that manufacture the product are less likely to take the blame in my opinion. This is the same for a vehicle or a boat. For example, my company will never do company trucks for this reason. No one will remember its a Ford if someone gets in accident and kills someone. They will...
  7. K

    Anyone done a Kuiu wrap on anything? Did you need permission?

    Tell me a company that can wrap a boat in their pattern. They control the pattern, they control the boats that can get wrapped.
  8. K

    Anyone done a Kuiu wrap on anything? Did you need permission?

    I assume their concern is their image. Lets say you take said boat out for a rip after having a dozen beers and hit another boat killing a family of 4 and their dog. You think it would be a good look for Kuiu to have they camo plastered all over the news?
  9. K

    Gunpowder Analysis 7mm PRC

    No need for a PRC if it isn't moving faster than the other 7mm mags. You need velocity with copper, anything lost a front end is distance lost in the long end.
  10. K

    Gunpowder Analysis 7mm PRC

    And the 7PRC hornady ammo has gone to shit since they did that, well documented. Can't get the RL powder they built the round around.
  11. K

    Gunpowder Analysis 7mm PRC

    If you think you will get what you need with a ball powder and a magnum, you do you. Enjoy the MagPro, post results. Let us know when you have wasted enough money and decided to make a switch.
  12. K

    Gunpowder Analysis 7mm PRC

    You ask for help and suggestions and then don't listen and say you will just buy powder locally because its cheaper. You will spend more money on time attempting to use an unproven power then paying the fee. People are talking about proven powders and you just ignore them. Once you find the...
  13. K

    Gunpowder Analysis 7mm PRC

    If you are going to go through the entire process of handloading, why handcuff yourself by choosing a local only powder? Should just go buy factory ammo as well then. Companies always waiving one or the other fee.
  14. K

    Discontinued Products you wish were still available

    I read the 118 zip offs are very similar, any insite?
  15. K

    Freeze Dryer Tips/Tricks/Recipes

    Not a ratio. Not sure what machine you are running but Harvest right are famous for not completing the food in the time line they allow it. Expect it to take between 24-36hrs depending on how much food is in the machine. With an extra dry time of 12 hours set, once completed, pull the food...