Recent content by Howdoyoulikemenow

  1. H

    WANTED: Your Top 5 Base Camp Tips or Hacks

    Door mat for wiping feet before walking into tent. Small throw rug to place next to cot to stand on while undressing/dressing, etc. Helps to keep shit off your socks and feet. I also keep a small folding camp stool I use as a tabletop next to my cot for placing book, reading glasses, water, etc.
  2. H

    Dirt bike vs quad vs sxs? Which one

    All three modes of transportation have pros and cons. I have had a quad but now have a SXS. One thing you didn’t mention was hauling pcs of an animal out or traveling in snow. I have no experience doing that on a dual sport but I would think that might have the potential to be a pucker factor...
  3. H

    Blacktail deer cartridge

    When did deer hunting get so F’ing complicated? Seriously. Any rifle, legal caliber and grain weight will get the job done for Gods sake. I’ve hunted blacktails for over fifty years. It ain’t rocket science. Asking for caliber on a hunting forum you’ll get tons of opinions only to confuse the...
  4. H

    Cook Tent Setup

    We have a Davis 14x16. Bought new in 2012. Always covered the tent with a tarp and Jerry rigged poles off if that in front of the tent for a cooking area. Two years ago we bought the awning and angles from Davis along with their full fly made for our tent covering both the tent and cooking...
  5. H

    Do you eat breakfast?

    Every. Day.
  6. H

    Don't know what to do with my 5 Colorado points

    No F’n shit!! No matter the state, unit or F’ing animal someone always had to say”it’s not what it used to be” Nothing about life is as it used to be! Go. Go have fun and make memories.
  7. H

    Blacktails in timber

    I’d quit hunting if I had to ride around in a truck all day.
  8. H

    Is the current high tag demand a bubble that will crash in the next 10 years?

    I’ll turn sixty seven next month. Been at it since age twelve. Never missed a season. As long as I can put one boot in front of the other I’ll be out there. And I’m not talking flat land hunting. I find it incredibly sad of what we hunters have lost in my time that you young guys will never...
  9. H

    Walk in coolers and drywall

    What are FRP panels for the non knowing?
  10. H

    Blacktails in timber

    Slow and easy for the win.
  11. H

    What is your oldest firearm?

    Dad’s Remington M760 pump carbine in 30-06 from early sixties. It’s earned it’s keep.
  12. H

    Men’s Mental Health Challenge

    I joined a local gym after I found out that my Medicare supplement pays 100%. So I go 3-4 days a week. I find on the days I go (like today) that I feel so much better about myself and enjoy the days much more. Therapy? I’ve tried twice now with zero luck. None of the clinics around here are...
  13. H

    What is the single most important thing you will do in 2025 to enjoy your time outside more?

    Hey thanks for the lecture. Can’t recognize sarcasm? Not that it’s any of your business but I was married for thirty years before she was called home eleven years ago. So, yeah it would be nice to meet someone. And she’d be PERFECT for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. H

    What is the single most important thing you will do in 2025 to enjoy your time outside more?

    ROAD TRIP !!!!!! And oh yeah…. Find, whoo, and convince the perfect (for me) woman that I’m ALL THAT!
  15. H

    Men’s Mental Health Challenge

    Yes getting old sucks! Ask me how I know.. Glad you’re okay. That could have went south real fast. I’d suggest maybe your guardian angels were watching you today. I’d also be willing to bet that more people care about you than you think.