Recent content by Happy Antelope

  1. Happy Antelope

    Low Profile Arca Mount? Spartan?

    We sell a ton of these, if you want to PM me we can chat about it.
  2. Happy Antelope

    Pic rail/Spartan adaptor options

    You are 100% correct there is no sling adapter. I didn't notice that in the past, ya thats a bit of a bummer. Paul
  3. Happy Antelope

    Looking for Spartan Precision Discount code

    Drop me a PM, we have one on the site for an extra free adapter FBFREE I have a bunch of open box stuff from DSC as well I might be able to sell at a discount. Paul
  4. Happy Antelope

    Spartan Precision at DSC....Free Gumsmith Adapter

    We will be for sure, come by and get a few gunsmith adapters. I don't know our booth number, but will be under Spartan.
  5. Happy Antelope

    Discontinued Products you wish were still available

    Send me a PM I might have 1. Not showing up on the red Kettle site anymore? Paul
  6. Happy Antelope

    Spartan Precision at DSC....Free Gumsmith Adapter

    Happy Antelope and Spartan Precision will be at DSC in ATL this weekend. Stop by the booth, say hi to Rob, Paul and Jen and get a free Gunsmith adapter simply by mentioning you saw it on Rokslide. Booth 4673
  7. Happy Antelope

    WTB Spartan Javelin Lite

    I have them in stock, drop me a PM. Might have a return I can take 20 dollars off also. I'll check in the am. Paul
  8. Happy Antelope

    WTB Spartan Sentinel Head

    I might have one sitting around, send me a PM I will check for you. Paul
  9. Happy Antelope

    Tips for getting a steady shot in the backcountry.

    I have about 15 in stock right now if anyone needs one.
  10. Happy Antelope

    WTB Spartan Bipod - Long Legs 20-36"

    They have some in stock for sure, they were supposed to send to me in this last PO. I will call Nick again in the am and get them for you. Paul
  11. Happy Antelope

    WTT Spartan Pro Tac Long NIB for Pro Tac Standard

    If you want to pay shipping both ways I'll help you out and swap them for you. No skin off my back helping a Spartan owner out. Paul
  12. Happy Antelope

    WTB Spartan Javelin Lite Bipod

    We have them in stock, we also got Rob to make us some longs again if anyone is interested. I think we are the only ones on the planet with longs for sale. Paul
  13. Happy Antelope

    Ultralight Tripod Options

    Would this work?
  14. Happy Antelope

    WTB Spartan Bipod - Long Legs 20-36"

    I will ask Rob for you and see if there is any chance maybe 1 is paying around at Spartan. Paul