Recent content by greglitwak1

  1. greglitwak1

    2020 Goats!

    This is a beautiful picture mate.
  2. greglitwak1

    What’s the hardest to kill?

    Personally, for me, it is the 400'' typical bull elk trophy hunt. I want to try this again soon, the fun never discourages me from trying.
  3. greglitwak1

    To Lift or Not?

    That is a lot of hard work lifting a truck. Well, do what works for you.
  4. greglitwak1

    What stresses you out?

    Nothing stresses me out than debtors. It's tiring asking back your hard earned money. They come up with all excuses.
  5. greglitwak1

    Bears in the AM

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece of information. I have never hunted bears in my entire life, I prefer hunting Elks. With this piece of information, I have my mind prepared to the foundation of bear hunting until that day comes and I really can't wait to get out there to hunt some bears.
  6. greglitwak1

    First Speed Goat!

    Very Interesting hunting story and beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.
  7. greglitwak1

    Thanking after killing

    Well, thanking God after a kill has no meaning to me personally, It just like a lion that preyed on an antelope and thanking God after. What about the antelope is it not worthy of life? Hunting is fun and a beautiful game, but nothing to thank God about.
  8. greglitwak1


    I will start going 3-4 times a week starting in 2 weeks time, I will share some pictures if possible.