Recent content by Blackwater8

  1. Blackwater8

    Sold Kuiu Ultra NX rain jacket

    Do you still have this?
  2. Blackwater8

    WTS Filson Down Cruiser Vest, Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Size large Price $165 tyd
  3. Blackwater8

    WTS Kuiu Super Down Vest L Vias

    Sorry for the late reply. Bought a new one.
  4. Blackwater8

    WTS Heathers choice

    $45 obo
  5. Blackwater8

    WTS Gear clean out

    I’ll take bow cover
  6. Blackwater8

    WTB Bow sling

    Kuiu, gohunt, sitka. If you have one you don’t use and want to sell, let me know.
  7. Blackwater8

    WTS Beestinger + apex wrist sling

    Stabilizer measures 8 1/2”
  8. Blackwater8

    WTS Beestinger + apex wrist sling

  9. Blackwater8

    WTS/WTT WTT Will loan My pack and gear

    Congrats on the baby! I’m with mason, baby girl born 7/15/19 somehow still going in late August.
  10. Blackwater8

    WTS Kifaru bikini high camp 7000

    I’ll take it
  11. Blackwater8

    WTS Cbe tek hybrid

  12. Blackwater8

    WTS Cbe tek hybrid

    Bump $70
  13. Blackwater8

    WTS Cbe tek hybrid

    5 pin. No sight tapes. $80 obo