Recent content by AleksanderSuave

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    Saturday Morning Making Money Thoughts

    In writing, sounds pretty simple. However, the conversion from paying social media people to promote to actually getting customers to buy is surprisingly difficult. Large companies all over the world still struggle with it. However, if you go through with it, I’ll gladly read and follow...
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    UPS $124.07 to ship Mark 4HD back to Leupold for Warranty

    They provided you an “address label” but not a shipping label…? First time I’ve ever heard of that.
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    UPS $124.07 to ship Mark 4HD back to Leupold for Warranty

    Little known fact - parcelguard will void your claim automatically if you didn't pay extra for signature confirmation on any item insured/valued at over $500. Im not debating using paypal for the shipping label discount. I use it as well. Just letting you know that the insurance option they...
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    UPS $124.07 to ship Mark 4HD back to Leupold for Warranty

    The screenshot you posted had a downloadable shipping label. Im confused why you paid for shipping at all?
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    UPS $124.07 to ship Mark 4HD back to Leupold for Warranty

    Thats user error. flat rate boxes aren't regular priority mail. They're priority mail - flat rate, which carries a fixed rate based on box size, predetermined, regardless of the weight inside. Priority mail NON flat rate, are priced based on box dimensions and weight...
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    UPS $124.07 to ship Mark 4HD back to Leupold for Warranty

    You should read the terms on paypal's parcelguard insurance. the exclusions they have on 2a related items, you likely wouldnt be covered regardless of what you paid.
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    New Athlon Chronograph

    Should probably put priority on doing that. New Labradars are being advertised for $340 on facebook now. If the Athlon one is even remotely as good as its supposed to be, resale value on the labradar is going to be a fraction of what it is now.
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    Suggestions for ACRA rails

    Do the clamps you’re using have tensioners? Tighten them a 1/4 turn.
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    Suggestions for ACRA rails

    Ive used clamps from other brands, (RRS and Accu-tac for example), they all have tensioners that can adjust, and it will lock fine on ANY rail. I feel like that quoted line is just a push to sell more of their branded stuff to people who dont understand how locking clamps work.
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    New Athlon Chronograph

    I jumped in on the eurooptic pre-order for April. Worth a shot with how cheap it is.
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    Breaking the Echo Chamber: Combating Misinformation and Toxic Behaviors in the Hunting and Shooting Community

    For someone who keeps saying they don’t care, you sure are awfully invested in showing how much you care so far.
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    Breaking the Echo Chamber: Combating Misinformation and Toxic Behaviors in the Hunting and Shooting Community

    Sorry I didn’t share the dialogue that made by “assumption” painfully obvious. The fact that you jump to it NOT being based on race is funny though. Like the country never had a history with racial issues, and we’re all just fine now.
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    FNG from Michigan

    welcome, east sider here, about 30 mins north of Detroit.
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    Looking for michigan buddy!

    Im on the east side of the state.
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    Breaking the Echo Chamber: Combating Misinformation and Toxic Behaviors in the Hunting and Shooting Community

    You can not "GAF" about a lot of things, that doesnt change the fact that they happen in real life, and have existed historically. Real easy to bury your head in the sand if something doesnt directly affect you either. My buddy's grandpa was almost beaten to death, when he was out deer hunting...