Recent content by Adrico

  1. Adrico

    Who ate the most tags last year?

    I'll have to confess, I've been eating deer, elk, bear and cougar tags for the last 20 years. That's ok, I've developed a taste for them now, and I tell myself there's always the next year, and I enjoy going out there. Maybe some day I'll run into some blind and deaf buck in the woods.
  2. Adrico

    Any electricians on here?

    The third picture shows a transformer powering a relay. Depending on where the wires coming out of the relay are connected to, (normally open, or normally closed contacts), that relay controls something that is activated either when the power coming in on that white wire goes off, or when the...
  3. Adrico

    How about 1600 shipped. I'm debating whether to get this or save for a few more years and get...

    How about 1600 shipped. I'm debating whether to get this or save for a few more years and get some Swarovski. I'm hopping this would be the last binos that I get. My current 8x42 BN lasted me 25 years, and they are still ok, but always wondered about the Swarovski. Thank you
  4. Adrico

    Would you take $1500 for the Leicas? Thanks

    Would you take $1500 for the Leicas? Thanks
  5. Adrico

    WTS Hells Canyon Long Range 300WM

    Original poster
  6. Adrico

    Water from a seep - safe to drink?

    I remember as a kid I drank from whatever water source was in my way as I explored the hills and mountains. I think now days people are too paranoid about everything, but I guess is better to be safe than sorry.
  7. Adrico

    Biden doesn’t agree with changing Supreme Court....until now....

    You'd have to be dumb, brainwashed or ignorant not to see this coming.
  8. Adrico

    Happy Easter Roksliders

    Happy Resurrection! So at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord!
  9. Adrico

    Increase in Political Arguing & Banter?

    There is enough censorship happening out there already, lets not push for it over here. Don't read the political treads if you can't handle it. If there are certain issues, laws and mandates that step on our rights, than those aware of it should bring it up to the attention of the other...
  10. Adrico

    Bad time to be have young ones wanting to shoot

    Ha, im in the same situation. I have a 13 year old boy and he loves to shoot the AR and the 10/22, but this year he's been bugging me to go do some shooting and I keep turning him down, and I told him that when we do go, we'll have to make every round count.
  11. Adrico

    Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

    Right in the middle of the Marine Corps base at Camp Pendleton, on top of this plateaued mountains/hills there is a training area called Case Springs. There was a little herd there. That was in 1993. Once in a while some lone bison would wander in some firing range area causing quite a bit of...
  12. Adrico

    Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

    This happened in Camp Pendleton, right up the road from you.
  13. Adrico

    Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

    I'm currently living in Washington. Hope to move to Eastern Washington or maybe Idaho soon. I once got woken up at 5am by a dirt kicking, huffin' and puffin' horn shaking big Bison bull that was about 2 feet from my face as I was sleeping in the grass. I thought that's the end of me. It just...
  14. Adrico

    Pelosi's Democrats introducing TWO GUN BILLS, maybe next week....

    That's what the democrats promised to do, and that's what they are doing, and they are going to keep trying until they get it. This is just the beginning.