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  • Good afternoon sir. My name is Rob Carson. I live in Missouri. Im trying to plan an antelope hunt for next fall. I was looking at unit 113. I had seen you posted about having a map of county roads in that particular unit. May I ask where you acquired that information and how I can go about getting it as well. Thanks man.
    I am looking at area 73 as one of my picks. I have zero pp's but am willing to go the special license route. Wouldn't break my heart to take home a meat doe too. Am also looking at 16, 23 and 45. This is frustrating for an outsider! My wife and I will be out there July 17-25 fly fishing (I will be scouting :-) and hope to get a better feel for some of the access to areas. I sure am open to any and all suggestions and would be glad to share a hunt with ya. Once I get the feel of it, I would like to an archery muley and antelope hunts.
    [email protected]
    Hi Wybowhunter21.
    Rick here, from Missouri. (Manitou1). You are more than welcome to meet up if I end up in that area. It will be a rifle hunt for me... getting my feet wet the first time. My father law retired from Wiliston Basin/Montana Dakota utilities about a decade ago. Work the compressor station at the wells in Billy Creek, and lived on site back when they had the company housing there. He does not hunt or fish, but watches a lot of t.v. lol.
    My wife and I have fly fished quite a bit around the Bighorns and I have hunted for upland birds in SD, MT, KS and MO. Never hunted antelope but definitely have the itch. In good shape, motivated, willing to camp (tent or I have a nice shell on my Ram). Am 56, but with 30 years military, I have to kinda maintain a level of fitness. Will add more...
    Just saw your occupation. My father in law retired from Montana Dakota Utilities. Worked the wells at Billy Creek.
    I was hired by Jay up in Sheridan with them some years ago but had to turn it down as wife was in middle of nursing school. Sad day for me! Have wanted to live there for many years now. We are toying with the idea of moving out there in 4 yrs, but not sure as of yet.
    Looking at GMU 73 as a possibility. Would gladly meet up if I'm near there. Still trying to make heads or tails of all this point system. First big game hunt in WY. Have fly fished it quite a bit and bird hunted S.D., KS, MT and MO, but WY antelope is new to me. I see them everywhere during my summer excursions out there. Wife and I will be fly fishing (I'll be scouting, lol) there July 17-26. Not afraid to put the miles on the leather and hunt hard, or am I against putting in for special license if it helps me get drawn with zero pp. Would just like an enjoyable hunt with a chance at a fair buck if I do my part... and maybe a doe too.
    Definitely open for suggestions. Can do camping if it gives me an edge. Have a nice truck shell along with camp gear/tents. If near town, motels are fine.
    Give me a shout. I can point you to some public whitetail ground here in MO if interested. Gun season can be a zoo, but have taken some nice deer on public, muzzleloader, rifle and bow.
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