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  • I've dealt with both TiGoat and Seek Outside several times and have found them to be excellent in all respects. Both have actually gone above and beyond for me in their customer service. I have a SO Little Bug Out on the way and will probably order a TiGoat roll-up in the near future... Great, little American companies...

    Good luck with your decisions/shopping!! :)

    Hi Dave,
    My EdT is a 12" model and it seems to heat the BCS just fine. We were out a couple of weeks ago in -25C ( not sure what that is in Fahrenheit ) overnight temps and it warmed up the BCS nicely. The bigger stoves would take less work 'making' wood and stocking, I'd guess. But I do like that the 12" stove body rolls up in the pipe, making for a more compact, stronger way of stowing the thing.

    I noticed you have a thread going on the EdT vs the TiGoat. Like I mentioned to you earlier, I'm pretty happy with the EdT and how it burns, draws, etc., I just feel that some details could use improving. Especially the legs, the little rivets holding mine have loosened over time making it fairly wobbly... I have no personal experience with the TiGoat rollup, it does look more well designed and executed though. IMO.

    I'm out of town, elk hunting and on my phone at the moment. I think you are on the right track, but will reply more completely when I get back and don't have to type on this little keyboard...:)


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