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  • Any chance you'd part with 1,000 of those CCI #34's? I'd pay a premium because they're impossible to find right now.
    The problem is shipping, as it requires HAZMAT shipping. If you're near central KY, I could help you out.
    I saw your post about butcher options for elk in Stanley Idaho. Is this the place you guys used? The Mountain Village Mercantile?
    We used a butcher in Challis on our last trip to Idaho. There was no butcher in Stanley, but the Mountain Village Mercantile in Stanley let us put a quartered elk in their cooler overnight for a charge of $25 per night the year prior to hunting the Chalis area. The butcher in Chalis seems to be under a new name now, Challis Custom Meats. They processed a mule deer for us and did a good job.
    Spencer Lillywhite
    Oh good to know about the Challis butcher. I think I had read some mixed reviews on the Challis butcher but maybe I'll consider them now they are under new ownership.
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