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  • Hey. I've hunted a few units around Rawlins which I really like. And up by lusk in the north east. There is usually a spot that has walk in access and also big areas that you can drive and look for them, then jump out for a stock. Lots of area and lots of antelope. Only place I didn't see any was the south east corner of the state. Look on the Wyoming game and fish site for area draw odds and find a spot you have a chance to draw in. I know around Rawlins is tough draws. Wyoming antelope is one of those things that after you do it once, it becomes relatively easy to figure out and lots of fun to do every year. I'd love to answer any more questions
    Hi Historybuff.
    Rick here, from Missouri.
    I am trying to plan a WY antelope hunt for 2017, as I have in the past. Although I pride myself in being a hard hunter and "go getter", I always get discouraged to get out there and do the antelope hunt in WY. My wife and I know the Bighorns fairly well and have hiked and fly fished many areas around Ten Sleep, Buffalo and Sheridan. She grew up as a kid in Ten Sleep/Buffalo but has no family there now.
    I would appreciate any info you could toss my way as to GMU's with access. I am not above putting in for the special license as I have no pp at this time. Not asking for your "hot spots" but your advice or opinion would be greatly appreciated. I will be making the trip by myself unless I can find somebody to go with me soon. Ha en't drummed up much interest here yet.
    Saw your post on Wyoming antelope. Said you would be glad to help in a pm. Me and a couple friends were gonna try to hunt antelope this fall. Only have 1 preference point. Would it be worth it to use on a hard access hunt or should we save it? Wasn't sure how hard it is to draw on a 2 or 3 choice. I'm from Iowa and this is all new to me. 2 areas I kind of narrowed down were area 23 and 25. Was wondering your opinion on those also. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
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