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  • Peaks & Creeks, how’s it going? You mentioned in your post that you live in Gunnison. Myself, brother, and father in law will be headed out to your area on Sep 6th for early archery. We put in for the draw in unit 54. I don’t want to know your honey hole or for you to tell me where to go, but any info you have that might be of some help would be greatly appreciated.

    If we get drawn we are looking at 3 different access points to the Wilderness. #1 would be soap creek past the Waterman Ranch and hunting the soap creek, east soap creek, or coffee pot creek area. #2 would be heading into the wilderness around soap creek campground and heading up cow creek and hunting that area. #3 would be heading in at Rainbow lake TH and either heading down into the West Elk gorge or hunting in the East Stueben area.

    Again not looking for an exact area to go but any info on roads, outfitters, or just general advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for you time, Andy
    Hey I'm a Vortex dealer. I own the 15 vipers and just got the 20 kaibabs. I really like both of them.
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