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  • I imagine you sell to alot of Forest Ranger types. I am thinking that an ideal two boot combo for my line of work would be a set of Hunter 2s and a set of Timberlines. Im looking at the Hunter IIs as my active winter boot and the Timberline as my Spring-Fall boot for constant hiking. How is the Timberline sole on wet rock/slippery conditions?
    That sounds like a pretty solid choice for a 2 boot setup. The Timberline, in my experience, has been great on wet rocks. However, the Tsavo outsole on our Beartooth will grip better.
    Looking to purchase at least 3 different sets of boots. Just curious if you offer any discounts or promo codes beyond 10% for larger purchases. Thank you!
    I am thinking about buying a pair of hunter II boots with an extra liner. Which of the leather conditioners do you recommend for your boots? Also wondering if you are running any deals.
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