DVD Review, "Long Range Made Easy", by Travis Bertrand

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho

Hey Roksliders,
I've had this great review for more than a few months from our own Mod, Travis Bertrand. I've just had so many other reviews ahead of it, I haven't had time to get it published. Well I can say after reading it for the edit, I feel extra bad for not getting it up sooner, it's a good review and got me excited about the DVDs. They feature Todd Hodnett of Accuracy First with help from Bryan Litz of Applied Ballistics.

We reviewed the Accuracy First Whiz Wheel last year here
Accuracy 1st Development Group’s Whiz Wheel


Applied Ballistics "Modern Advancements in Long Range Shooting" here
Book Review: Modern Advancements in Long Range Shooting

This latest DVD set below seems to be yet another tool to increase your ability to make a poke way out yonder. So give it a read and post up any comments or questions.

I know Travis is on the way to Colorado soon, so if he doesn't get right back to you, he will soon. Here is the review

Long Range Made Easy, DVD Review
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I just got out of the hills and was excited to see this one. Nice work Travis! Those DVD's are on my list to watch.
Would a guy working on moving beyond being comfortable at 250 yards to 400 or so benefit from this?

Shooting a Tikka T3 Hunter Stainless with B&C Medallion stock and Leupold VX3i 3.5-10 in .270.

I guess my real question is are the techniques and suggested gear truly for speciality long range shooting or can an average Joe with average gear benefit?
I have not watched these but have watched and read a lot of Litz stuff. So I would say more of it is going to come into play for long range. BUT the more you learn and more you know your equipment and the details of what makes it work will ALWAYS help you in closer range work and any shot that could present its self. The knowledge can't hurt.....well maybe your pocket book in the long run
Would a guy working on moving beyond being comfortable at 250 yards to 400 or so benefit from this?

Shooting a Tikka T3 Hunter Stainless with B&C Medallion stock and Leupold VX3i 3.5-10 in .270.

I guess my real question is are the techniques and suggested gear truly for speciality long range shooting or can an average Joe with average gear benefit?

hey man, sorry i missed this! You would greatly benefit from this dvd set. in fact i believe anyone at any level of recreational shooting would benefit whether you shoot 1500+ weekly or never picked up a rifle.