Who Is Wild Game Chef John McGannon?
In early 2008, I attended the Western Hunting & Conservation Expo in Salt Lake City, Utah. On the roster of speakers was a name I'd never seen but a...
Who Is First Lite?
Getting to know some of the sponsors that make Rokslide possible has been a pure pleasure the last 18 months. First Lite owner Kenton Carruth recently took some time...
Win Big with BlackOvis.com & Camofire.com
When you visit Rokslide, you're going to meet some of the top backcountry gear and hunting suppliers. Take BlackOvis.com and Camofire.com founded by Kendall Card and Mark Strickland. Their online...
Who Is Amy Hanneman?
Hard to meet a guy who doesn't wish his wife would hunt more, or at least understand why hunting makes him tick. Since Rokslide's inception, we've tried to make...
Win Big with the New Huntin’ Fool: Interview with Travis Roundy
I've operated a successful public land scouting service since the late 90's, scouting areas far and wide for thousands of hunters. I've learned two important lessons.1) Information is king.2)...
Win Big from Enlightened Equipment
Who is Enlightened Equipment you may ask? Owned by Tim Marshall and based in Winona, Minnesota, Enlightened Equipment builds very unique ultralight sleeping gear that is especially relevant to...
Win an Elk Mountain SLIP System
With hunting season winding down, the Rok Blog is heating up with some great gear giveaways. Our "Who Is?" series introduces you to the hunters and companies that I...
Meet 1-Shot Gear (& Win a Kifaru Pack!)
Aron Snyder introduced me to a great new company a few months ago. Based out of Englewood, Colorado, 1-Shot Gear is now a full Rokslide sponsor and ready to...
New Research Service for the DIY Hunter
With the rise of the information age, there's more recon to sort through than ever. Twenty years ago I might have to check my mailbox for weeks as I...
Winner Announcement: goHUNT INSIDER 12-month Membership
Last week I gave you an overview of goHunt, a research service specifically geared for the DIY Western States Hunter. If you missed that blog post, see New Research Service...