The Strugglestick Addiction: Part III
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part III
By Aron Snyder, Host of Kifaru Cast
After the last day success in Colorado, Brian Call and I were headed North to Idaho for another elk...
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part II
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part II
By Aron Snyder, Host of Kifarucast
Spring time was over and I had all summer to get ready for the fall hunting season. I had learned...
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part I
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part I
By Aron Snyder, Host of Kifarucast
If you would have asked me a few years ago what I thought about traditional archery, you probably wouldn't have...
Backcountry First Aid Kit
BackCountry First-Aid Kit
By Richard Rhodes, Guest Contributor
I remember a call I had many years ago, it was for a man bleeding from his leg and he was not able...
Building Accurate Sight Tapes
Building Accurate Sight Tapes
By Doug Rosin, Rokslide Moderator
When your trophy of a lifetime requires you to dial your adjustable sight to a specific distance, you want to be 100%...
Spot and Stalk Bear: A Fall Success Story
Spot and Stalk Bear: A Fall Success Story
By Dustin Allen, Guest Contributor
As a rookie western hunter, an OTC spot and stalk fall bear hunt in Montana was too good...
One or Both Eyes Open
One or Both Eyes Open
By Guest Contributor, Jimmy Tippetts (Slim Jim)
When shooting a compound bow, do you use one or both eyes? This topic has been discussed many times,...
Alaska DIY Caribou (and So Much More)
Alaska DIY Caribou (and So Much More)
By Billy Molls, Rokslide Guest WriterAfter about two years of trapping coons, muskrats, mink, beaver, and fox with my grandpa near my parents'...
Alaska DIY Moose, The Inside Scoop, Part II
Alaska DIY Moose, The Inside Scoop Part 1By Billy Molls, Rokslide Guest Writer In Part I, we discussed the rewards of an Alaskan DIY moose hunt, general methods...
Alaska DIY Moose, The Inside Scoop, Part I
Alaska DIY Moose, The Inside Scoop, Part IBy Billy Molls, Rokslide Guest Writer An Alaskan bull moose can weigh nearly 2,000 pounds. His antlers can stretch over...