The Mysteries of 3rd Axis in Archery
Third Axis Adjustment. Over the past 10-12 years, I have seen these words come up more and more. It has become a staple among the target and western hunters...
Proper Shot Sequence
Whether you are starting out shooting a compound bow or are an experienced compound shooter that just needs to get back to the basics, this article is for you. ...
Arrow Dynamics: Worth the Weight
The world of bow hunting is full of variables. This is without a doubt part of the allure of the sport for those of us who love to tinker....
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part III
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part III
By Aron Snyder, Host of Kifaru Cast
After the last day success in Colorado, Brian Call and I were headed North to Idaho for another elk...
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part II
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part II
By Aron Snyder, Host of Kifarucast
Spring time was over and I had all summer to get ready for the fall hunting season. I had learned...
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part I
The Strugglestick Addiction: Part I
By Aron Snyder, Host of Kifarucast
If you would have asked me a few years ago what I thought about traditional archery, you probably wouldn't have...
Building Accurate Sight Tapes
Building Accurate Sight Tapes
By Doug Rosin, Rokslide Moderator
When your trophy of a lifetime requires you to dial your adjustable sight to a specific distance, you want to be 100%...
One or Both Eyes Open
One or Both Eyes Open
By Guest Contributor, Jimmy Tippetts (Slim Jim)
When shooting a compound bow, do you use one or both eyes? This topic has been discussed many times,...
Maximum Effective Range
Maximum Effective Range By Jared Bloomgren, Rokslide Staff This can be one of those touchy subjects and often turns into one of those "I can shoot farther than...
DIY Bowstring Installation
DIY Bowstring Installation By Jared Bloomgren, Rokslide Prostaff The energy that a bow produces is transferred through the strings and cams and lastly to the arrow....