Zeiss SFL 10×40 vs. SF 10×32 Binocular Review
Zeiss has released several top tier compact binoculars in the last few years. In 2021, I reviewed their awesome little Victory SF in 10X32 and 8x32, here. I liked...
Hunting Big Mule Deer: The Stories
Back in May 2015, I pushed the send button on the final manuscript of HUNTING BIG MULE DEER: How to Take the Best Buck of Your Life (HBMD). It...
ENDURE by Cameron Hanes: Book Review
I want to be the best buck hunter I can be…so I read. Cameron Hanes is arguably the most influential hunter of this day, so when his pre-order for...
“He Came Alive!”
When my daughter Grace was about four years old, we awoke her early one Easter morn’ to “hunt” for some colored eggs that my loving wife had hidden in...
Focus: The Great Equalizer
Running a forum, a guy get’s a 10K view of the state of hunting big mule deer. While there have been some significant changes to how tags are obtained—Idaho...
The Walking Stick
The Walking Stick—it’s more than a piece of wood cut from a wind-blown spruce.If I need one to get around, it means that I just might be in the...
Spotter Gets First Shot
I’ve seen buck hunts (and even friendships) ruined when hunters don’t decide—before the buck shows up—who gets first shot.Is it the guy who scouted the buck in the...
Mule Deer Podcast Mania
It’s deer season! Archery's been open since late July for Cali hunters while the Nevada tag holders started in early August. Quite a few muzzleloader velvet hunts are underway,...
Book Review: So You Want To Hunt The West For Mule Deer?
When I saw this book, "So You Want To Hunt The West For Mule Deer: Now What?," it was in my mailbox within a week.I've always believed that we...
Mule Deer Populations on the Decline?
The mule deer is arguably the most iconic species in western North America. On top of its iconic status and increased exclusivity of obtaining mule deer tags, the species...