Application Strategy: The Rok Blog’s Top Post
I think a hunter who wants a barn-burner of a buck has to dedicate almost every hunting day available to the pursuit if he wants half a chance....
Killing Big Mule Deer: Moving in Deer Country, Part II
Deliberately: De·lib·er·ate·ly- consciously and intentionally; on purpose; in a careful and unhurried way. In my last series blog post: Killing Big Mule Deer: Moving in Deer Country, Part I, I...
Killing Big Mule Deer: Moving in Deer Country, Part I
Last week, I introduced my latest blog series, Killing Big Mule Deer: The Where or the How? (KBMD.) I'm convinced the "How" is more important than the "Where". Let's...
Killing Big Mule Deer: The Where or the How?
Twenty years ago, if I killed a big deer, I thought my success was due to hunting the right area (by the way, I hardly killed any big deer...
Backcountry Rifle Mule Deer Hunt: Day 12
With the hunt wrapped up, I wanted to give you all some horse & camp tips (filmed during this hunt) that I've picked up over the years. Some...
Backcountry Rifle Mule Deer Hunt: Day 11
As you saw in Day 10, still-hunting can produce results if you know what cover the deer are using. I talk to many hunters who abhor still-hunting and...
Backcountry Rifle Mule Deer Hunt: Day 10
Day 10 is here. I've only got two more days to find a good buck. The buck pictured above is from my 2008 season taken in the same conditions...
Backcountry Rifle Mule Deer Hunt: Day 9
If you're lucky enough to get to hunt the mule deer rut in the backcountry, remember two things: 1) If you want a really good buck,...
Backcountry Rifle Mule Deer Hunt: Day 8
When snow, cold, and rut come together, the hunting can get good, but the big bucks still aren't easy to find. They are often in the cover by...
Backcountry Rifle Mule Deer Hunt: Day 7
You've heard me talk about the "rut" throughout this hunt. There seems to be much confusion on when the mule deer rut occurs in the West. One...