Patience vs. Perseverance. Why the Difference Matters
pa·tiencenoun 1. the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.per·se·ver·ancenoun 1. steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
People assume...
Time to Scout
Thanks to everyone who voted on the cover for my upcoming book "Hunting Big Mule Deer- How to Take the Best Buck of Your Life." My editor Kelly Andersson...
Hunting Big Mule Deer – The Book
You might have noticed a few less posts on the Rok Blog this spring. Besides launching Boot Month, Backpack Month, Camp Month, and Weapons Month, I was also completing...
Killing Big Mule Deer: Shed Hunting
I’m often asked about how shed antler hunting and winter scouting fits into my plans. I certainly think they are important, but not completely necessary. Unless you draw a...
Restoring Velvet on Big Mule Deer
Early season archery mule deer is about as good as it gets; hunting big bucks in open country with relatively few hunters afield is like stepping back in time....
Killing Big Mule Deer: Application Strategy
If you're lucky enough to live in the West, you shouldn't have to travel far to hunt big mule deer. While quality varies from state to state, I believe...
Killing Big Mule Deer: What is a “Big” Mule Deer?
When I started the series, Killing Big Mule Deer, last year, I thought hard and long about what defines a big mule deer. Because older experienced bucks are hard to...
Killing Big Mule Deer: Your Number One Skill
Over the last two years, I've written on the the skills a hunter must possess if he wants to kill a big mule deer from tracking, to scouting, to glassing,...
Killing Big Mule Deer: Know Your Area
If you're catching the bug for big mule deer, you should review these previous posts. The Where or the How? Moving in Deer Country Busted: Your Unseen Enemy...
Killing Big Mule Deer: Faulty Thinking
Because the easy bucks are gone, you can’t employ the strategies of yesteryear if you want to put a big mule deer in your freezer and on your wall. ...