Hunt for the Unknown
If you've followed the the Rok Blog for a while, you know I like to share the adventures of other successful hunters on here. Besides entertaining, I think studying...
He Came Alive!
When my oldest daughter was about four years old, we awoke her early one Easter morn to "hunt" for some colored eggs that her ever-such-a-great mommy had hidden in...
Redraw for the Huntin’ Fool membership and 2015 SHOT Show
Well bummer, we never heard from our winner of the Huntin' Fool Membership. I even gave him an extra day. He's probably busy researching his upcoming hunts and missed...
Research Services—Worth the Cost?
The internet has changed everything when it comes to researching your upcoming hunts. I used to receive stats and info directly from biologists, spend evenings on the phone talking...
Winner Announcement: November Below Heart Mountain
Thanks to everyone who entered the drawing for Ben Walter's "November Below Heart Mountain." I heard from Ben this week. He said the response was terrific and passes his...
Double Book Review: The Chuck Adams Story & Super Slam!
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas. Staying on the course of recommended reading, I read two books this last year that I think no bowhunter should miss: "Life at Full Draw:...
Good Read: November Below Heart Mountain
If you've followed the Rok Blog, you know that I advocate reading in the off-season. No better way to perfect your craft than studying other hunter's experiences. While many...
The Huntin’ Fool Browning X-Bolt Giveaway
From today to June 10th, it is really crazy for me. Although I hunt mule deer at least 30 days per year, I really never know where or when...
Resurrection Day
"I know that my Redeemer lives and that in the end He will stand on the earth." Job 19:25 Happy Resurrection Day to all my brothers & sisters in...