Lathrop And Sons Custom Boots System Review
It seems obvious that someone who has had boot issues would seek out a company like Lathrop and Sons. But, why would someone like me who typically doesn’t have...
Sitka Kelvin Lite Down Jacket And Pant Review
Puffy layers aren’t the sexiest of all the layers we use while hunting. And, you don’t see a hunter wearing them on the cover a hunting magazine often. They...
BaseMap App Review for 2020
When I was offered an opportunity to write a review on the BaseMap App Pro Version I was excited. I have some friends who have raved about the app...
Sitka Mountain Optics Harness Review
If I were to ask ten hunters what they look for in a binocular harness, I’m guessing I would get back ten different answers. Some want extra pouches and...
Rewarming Drill
A few weeks ago, I was staring up at the stove pipe opening of the tipi, laying in my sleeping bag, soaking wet in 12-degree weather-for the second time. ...
Manfrotto Befree Live Carbon Fiber Tripod Review
We all love glassing the backcountry. The thought of sitting on a peak gazing into a picture-perfect basin hoping to catch a buck feeding in the early morning really...
12x Binoculars: The Perfect Optic For The Western Hunter
It used to be commonplace for a new hunter to purchase 10x42 binoculars and take to the field to pursue their ungulate of choice. But as the great Bob...
Load Development: Unknown Munitions
Whether for hunting, competition, Law Enforcement, Special Ops, or long-range target shooting, load development always starts with a conversation and decisions to make. What are you planning to use...
DIY Archery Target
Do you get tired of buying archery targets? Whether it’s a self-healing foam or a multi-layered bail target, they just don't seem to hold up to heavy abuse. If...
Hoffman Explorer Boot Review
What avid outdoor enthusiast is not always looking for some gear to enhance his time in the mountains? Often this comes down to the bare essentials that allow you...