Phone Skope Review
Phone Skope Review by Jared Bloomgren, Rokslide Prostaff Phone Skope is nothing new in the industry and has become the leader in marrying up your smart phone/tablet...
Swarovski X5 3.5-18X50 Review
Swarovski X5 3.5-18x50 Scope Review Ryan Avery, Rokslide Co-Owner If you talk with long range hunters very much, you will inevitably end up debating which scope is the best....
Vortex Kaibab vs. Vulture: The Definitive Review
Vortex's Kaibab HD 15x56 vs. Vortex Vulture HD 15x56 The Definitive Review By Robby Denning, Rokslide Co-Owner * Disclaimer: I'm not an optics expert. I'm a four-decades mule...
Vortex 16-48×65 Spotter Review
Vortex 16-48x 65mm Spotter Reviewby Jordan Kauer, Rokslide Member Up until the fall of 2012, I never really grasped the importance of good optics. Up to that time,...
Vortex Razor 11-33x50mm HD Spotter Review
Vortex Razor HD 11-33x50mm Spotter:
The Backcountry Hunter's Perfect Companion
By Travis Bertrand, Rokslide ModeratorIt is no secret backcountry hunters rave about the Vortex Razor HD 11-33x50mm spotting scopes. This...
Nightforce SHV 4-14X MOA1000
By Justin Crossley, Rokslide Assistant Editor
The name, "SHV" Shooter, Hunter, Varminter, speaks to the versatility this scope offers. Designed in collaboration with Bob Beck from Extreme...
Alaska Guide Creations Bino Harness
Alaska Guide Creations Bino Harness Review By Luke Moffat, Rokslide Prostaff How to carry your binoculars? This topic is hashed and rehashed on the forums nearly as often...
Vortex Razor HD 5-20×50
Vortex Razor HD 5-20x50 Review
Jordan Kauer
fromA few years ago I got bit hard by the long range shooting bug. The more I learned the farther I was shooting and...
The Perfect Backcountry Companion
The Perfect Backcountry Companion: Swarovski 8x30 CL, by James Petker, Rokslide Prostaff In this review, I will show why the Swarovski Companion 8x30 CL binoculars may be the perfect optic...
Vortex Viper HS-T
Vortex Viper HS-T 4-16x44 SAM MILLARD For the long range precision rifleman, it is essential to have an aiming device that allows him to place accurate shots on a...