Hey all, since this blog is about making you a better buck hunter, I wanted to give you an opportunity to test your accuracy limits with a bow (and have a chance at a cool Benji to spend in the Black Ovis store).

As I’ve written many times, if you want to maximize your chance at killing big mule deer, you need to become a proficient archer.  Early archery seasons offer some prime opportunities for taking the best buck of you life.  However, the casual just-sighted-my-new-bow-last-week archer isn’t likely going to pull off  the rare shot at a big buck.  You have to be proficient with your weapon, be able to shoot under pressure, know your shooting limits, and strive to stalk within them before launching an arrow.

With this in mind, I paired up with long-time Rokslide sponsor, Black Ovis, for our 1st Arrow Cold Bow 7-day Challenge.  Details are at the link to our archery forum below.

You can shoot with me and other Rokslide members any time between now and June 30th to be entered into the drawing for $100 Black Ovis gift certificate.  Even if you don’t win, you’ll become a better archer and be prepared for that shot of a lifetime that may come along sooner than you think.

Hope to see you in the challenge!

Rokslide 1st Arrow Cold Bow 7-Day Challenge

See how I prepare my weapons in my book Hunting Big Mule Deer


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Robby Denning
Robby Denning started hunting mule deer in the late 1970’s, only missing one season in 35 years. At 25, he gave up the pursuit of all other big-game to focus on taking the best bucks possible. He began hunting the West on a DIY budget hunting an average of 30 days a year for mule deer. Robby loves the hunt as much as the kill and the entire process from research to scouting to hunting. He’s killed four bucks over 200 inches in the last 15 seasons, mostly on easily-obtained tags. He owns a public-land scouting service and runs a private-land outfitting business helping other hunters in their pursuit of deer and elk. Robby has scouted and hunted literally thousands of square miles of mule deer country and brings a wealth of knowledge about these experiences with him. To him, the weapon of choice is just a means-to-an-end and will hunt with bow, rifle, or muzzleloader – whatever it takes to create an opportunity to take a great mule deer. He is also the author of "Hunting Big Mule Deer" available on Amazon. Robby believes all of creation is from God for man to manage, respect, and through which to know its Creator