Not 60 but ,,,,,,,


Aug 26, 2023
I have RA and sarco ( similar to ra but attacking your organs ) so I don’t have much stamina or wind anymore , I’m frustrated and Aggravated , what are my options
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Believe it or not, some people have put these autoimmune issues into remission by following the Carnivore diet. ymmv
Funny thing, probably 30 years ago, I heard some lady on the radio say her little boy had daily seizures for years. The usual story of going to many doctors and none helping. Mom finally did her own research and after much digging, found an obscure article about a high fat diet putting seizure patients into remission. Two weeks after feeding her kid bacon, steak, roast beef, butter..., the kid was fine and and stayed that way.

Doctors for broken bones. Do your own thinking for the rest.
Diet changes, the right type of exercise, and right supplements can help. Youtube has a lot of pretty good people that talk about the cases that did help.

Dr Erik Berg, Dr Sten Ekberg, and Dr Ken Berry MD all have pretty good information. You might have to go to Rumble to find what you are looking for since Youtube is shadow banning so much content.

These guys all suggest some form of Keto with no sugar, low carbs, avoiding highly processed foods, and avoid all seed oils. It might or might not help you, but it's interesting to me that diet can make such a huge difference in a lot of people.