My SWFA Shipped!

It’s sad that this company became a reason to Rick-roll people. At this point there doesn’t even seem to be a way to backorder anything that isn’t in stock. Not sure where I see them going, but it doesn’t look good.
For the record, I tried go easy. I had an idea to photoshop an invoice and post it, and word the link text more deceptively.

But I decided against it in case SWFA got a ton of angry texts and calls. Thanks for playing along, everyone!
It’s sad that this company became a reason to Rick-roll people. At this point there doesn’t even seem to be a way to backorder anything that isn’t in stock. Not sure where I see them going, but it doesn’t look good.
They did it to themselves. I was waiting for a thread like this… could have been titled:
- SWFA has inventory!
- SWFA releases new scope details!
-SWFA fills a back order!
-SWFA releases new scope!
- SWFA is still in business!
They did it to themselves. I was waiting for a thread like this… could have been titled:
- SWFA has inventory!
- SWFA releases new scope details!
-SWFA fills a back order!
-SWFA releases new scope!
- SWFA is still in business!
Cant disagree with any of that.