Effective Range Challenge Info

Well I joined the forum yesterday so way behind but I will do these this week. On night shift now so I’ll have to wait 2 more days.
How much longer do we have to finish?
Having trouble finding time to shoot right now. Trying to just do no more than 2 scenarios at a time so it's still kinda a cold bow thing.

I will be announcing the winners from the Alpha Bowhunting Instagram side tomorrow night, May 19. We will hold off on the Rokslide Youtube winners until first week of June.
Thanks for participating
Trying to get caught back up on this. Shot scenario 6 and 7.

Normally shoot just fine from a seated position but both times my pins were low when the shot broke. Guess I'm way out of practice now. Been pretty busy.

No picture. Just looked back on my camera and apparently it was slow taking the picture. It's a blurry picture of the ground. Hit low vitals, the first shot being 3-4" low but dead on left right, my second shot, again worse than the first, I pulled a few inches to the right and low.

Shot #7

Tight pants complicated this one. Tried to get pretty low. Finally a change of pace as my second shot was better than my first, pitched the first one right at 80 a little. Second from 60 was pretty good.

So editing to show my next shots, almost a week later. Pretty cold bow.


First shot a little left at 80, the second shot at 3/4my mer went high.

Scenario #9
That was rough, one of the few times my second shot was better than my first. Don't know how, by the time I took that last one I was pretty shaky.

80 is high and right, 60 is left just a little.

Probably all I got time for before the drawing. Going to be pretty busy for a while yet.
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Was there ever a giveaway on the Rockslide side of this? I know I saw one on the Alpha Instagram side.
Looking for Sniff on Youtube. Message me please, you are one of the Rokslide Youtube winners
Package received! Awesome and very useful grab bag.
View attachment 193485
I'm looking forward to trying out the Wilderness Athlete drink mixes on some upcoming back-country exploration bike rides. The shot trainer will have a permanent home on my work desk.

Thanks again Phil and Robby for putting this on!

You’ll be welcome! Sorry I missed this post. Thank you

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