
For hunting I am running the BD Storm and don't have any reason for changing. At work I use a Surefire headlamp, but they are very pricey.
What are you guys running for headlamps?
I'm looking at getting another one shortly, might end up getting another Black Diamond Storm, but figured I would see if there is anything out there you are using that would blow me away!

Forget looking at the standard in the store stuff, check out zebra light (google it). My headlamp weighs half of the black diamond icon and on high puts out 654lm when the icon only puts out 200lm.

I have the h600w-xl cost is $89 but you have to buy special batteries $20 (only need 1 unless you want extras) and the xtar charger is $21 and when there are two fully charged batts can also double as a charger for your cell phone. My batts (zebra brand) are 3100mah each.

Thank slim9300, he turned me onto them.
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I have about a dozen headlamps. I just purchased a Fenix HL30 and absolutely LOVE it!! Has a seperate red light button, 4 brightness levels with a max of 200 lumens.
What are you guys running for headlamps?
I'm looking at getting another one shortly, might end up getting another Black Diamond Storm, but figured I would see if there is anything out there you are using that would blow me away!

The best headlamps on the planet are made by Zebralight. They are the most technical, toughest, brightest, have the best battery life, 100% waterproof and the list goes on.

Are you seeking more light or something smaller and lighter, yet still just as bright as what you have now?

H600 cree & H600w XM-L: brightest headlamp on the planet. 750 and 645 lumens respectively on turbo! Runs for 80 days straight on low. Imagine never falling down in the blowdown again. Night becomes day. The w stands for white light (ie. light color) and is much better for us hunters in terms of visibility in the woods.


H502c: tiny, ultralight and runs on a single AA battery. And it makes the same light output as lights with two AA batteries.


Both headlamps listed above are their top sellers and I have both of them.

The new H602c and S6330 are going to be my next purchases once they come out in a month or two.

Zebralight is almost done bringing their entire manufacturing back to the good ole' USA. Who can say any other company is doing the same?
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Here is the link http://www.zebralight.com/H600w-XM-L-18650-Headlamp-Neutral-White_p_82.html

Good luck finding a better light in durability and output and not only in an affordable package. I was wrong on the lumen output, it only puts out 645 lumens :) and is adjustable to nothing, battery life is amazing. Checkout the link it has all the specs so I don't have to remember off the top of my head. Another positive is that you use rechargeable batts and no longer have to keep buying expensive AA or AAA batts.
Just remember that when you buy these HIGH output superlights you are NOT dealing with standard batteries which isnt the worst thing. I have several highpower lights and love them. However when I go out hunting I have multiple items in my pack that require batteries. Through experience (good and bad) I prefer to carry things that operate on all the same battery size. Just my pesonal preference.
Just remember that when you buy these HIGH output superlights you are NOT dealing with standard batteries which isnt the worst thing. I have several highpower lights and love them. However when I go out hunting I have multiple items in my pack that require batteries. Through experience (good and bad) I prefer to carry things that operate on all the same battery size. Just my pesonal preference.

What all do you use batts in?

Currently I'll now only pack an extra for the headlamp and 2 extra AA's for the GPS. The batt on my phone is not replaceable but I can charge it in the field and use it for pics so no more camera. Just wondering what else you use batts in.
What kind of battery life are you guys getting out of the zebra?
If I read the small (H502C) one right you should only be looking at 1.9hrs at 94lumens? The bigger (H600w) is better but still only looking at 7hrs but at 146 lumens?

Maybe I am reading that wrong? If not though with my current Storm I get 100 lumens for a stated 50hrs, realistically closer to 40hrs though.
What kind of battery life are you guys getting out of the zebra?
If I read the small (H502C) one right you should only be looking at 1.9hrs at 94lumens? The bigger (H600w) is better but still only looking at 7hrs but at 146 lumens?

Maybe I am reading that wrong? If not though with my current Storm I get 100 lumens for a stated 50hrs, realistically closer to 40hrs though.

Not reading it wrong, guess it depends on how much you really use it, I'll be using mine on high and medium mainly and a batt should last me 4 days based on actual night time use.
What kind of battery life are you guys getting out of the zebra?
If I read the small (H502C) one right you should only be looking at 1.9hrs at 94lumens? The bigger (H600w) is better but still only looking at 7hrs but at 146 lumens?

Maybe I am reading that wrong? If not though with my current Storm I get 100 lumens for a stated 50hrs, realistically closer to 40hrs though.

That's with 4 AA batteries and like you I doubt the real world battery life. All Zebralight headlamps run on a single cell. The H600 runs on a 18650 cell thats the size of basically two AA batteries with a tad more girth. I will never again use a headlamp that uses battery packs in the back. They are clunky and uncomfortable. The other thing you have to realize is that it's easy to cheat lumens with bulb colors that aren't useful to the human eye in the woods.
Man made in America, and the lumens look great, but it would run about $143 for the 600 with three batteries (for a ten day hunt) plus extra for a charger. Or I suppose only two batteries and a solar charger, but either way that is getting pretty steep......hmm decisions decisions.
I recently got a Black Diamond Spot and I absolutely love it. Theres the main beam light, then a low beam light, red light, then theres also a setting on high beam that I love. You hold the button down and it dims until you let the button go, so you can set your dim to whatever you want. Theres a strobe in white and red light modes. Then my favorite feature, if you hold the button down for 6 seconds it locks the light button. So if it's in your pack or pocket it cannot get turned on and run all of your battery down. Also a battery indicator to let you know when it's getting low and when it's super low. I LOVE THE THING. My backup light is a Petzl Tikka XP 2. Also a good light but not the features or length of the Black Diamond.
To give you an idea of brightness. I have a Petzl Tikka Plus that runs on three AAA batteries. My 502c is much brighter and considerably lighter and more comfortable.
Man made in America, and the lumens look great, but it would run about $143 for the 600 with three batteries (for a ten day hunt) plus extra for a charger. Or I suppose only two batteries and a solar charger, but either way that is getting pretty steep......hmm decisions decisions.
For my BD Icon that took 4AA lithium batts I spent $30 at a min a year in batts. I also think it will be easy to do 10 days with only two batts. The nice thing is the investment is steep but over the long term it is cheaper overall.

Kind of like packs, optics, etc :)
Man made in America, and the lumens look great, but it would run about $143 for the 600 with three batteries (for a ten day hunt) plus extra for a charger. Or I suppose only two batteries and a solar charger, but either way that is getting pretty steep......hmm decisions decisions.

They aren't cheap but they are worth it. If you wanted to give mine a try I could ship it out to you.

The other thing I forgot to mention is that the brightness and battery life is actually understated. They did all their H502 testing with eneloop rechargeable AA batteries that don't come close to the battery and lumen performance of Energizer Ultimate lithiums. The H600 was tested with only a Panasonic 2900 mAH 18650. The batteries Zebralight makes are 3100 mAH and obviously have more energy.