Recent content by maxx075

  1. maxx075

    Have you moved out of state?

    After FL I moved to UT and I definitely miss not having income tax
  2. maxx075

    Have you moved out of state?

    My first move out of WV to FL, I was absolutely shocked by the differences in manners. I'm used to holding doors for people, saying thank you, yes sir/ma'am, no sir/ma'am... None of that in FL lol. Some states are still like that in the south, FL isn't one of them though. Or at least where I was at.
  3. maxx075

    Freedom 2- Commies 0

    Work for a gov contractor and I'm geniunely curious if we didn't have the current admin in office if we would still do our months of celebration and clubs for various groups. Company only cares about getting contracts from the gov, so gotta play the game.
  4. maxx075

    Freedom 2- Commies 0

    Also, never forget:
  5. maxx075

    Solutions for Maven, Drop Culture, and All Your Sadness

    You'll have to forgive the angry boomer. This ain't the world they grew up in.
  6. maxx075

    Have you moved out of state?

    Are you two not saying the same thing?
  7. maxx075

    Insulated or uninsulated for all purpose??

    I'm running uninsulated Crispis here in Utah currently and they seem to be a damn furnace. Back east when I hunt in WV I'm wearing 1400G Rockys and my feet still get cold.
  8. maxx075

    Anyone rent vehicles on hunting trips?

    Rent it and drive it like you stole it.
  9. maxx075

    Utah tags

    Early July per the regs
  10. maxx075

    Utah where corporate hunting reins supreme

    Which state doesn't have politicians?
  11. maxx075

    FNG from Virginia

    Good ol MACdowell county. Raleigh native here.
  12. maxx075

    Why do rifle hunters use Camouflage ? The few times I’ve used a rifle I never wore camo of any kind.. seems silly.

    It's only 10? You mean I could'a been ripping people off this whole time?????? Here I am trying to get to WKR status - silly me.