I have a sxs and just added a TW200 to the mix. After riding for a month my thoughts are,, dang why didn’t I get this a long time ago. This little bike crawls in stock form, mods can make it a mountain goat. Read the TW 200 forum, before you decide. I haven’t tried much weight, developing my off-road skills at this point. I have dropped it a few times but being low and slow, no injures which is why this 50+ guy chose this cycle. It is also street legal and can cruise at 50-55. My buddy has a Rokon. It is a beast and if you know your riding area could be a real asset, however you will be limited most of the time and the atv will go most of the same places anyhow. My mud riding and hill climbing indicate that the cycle also will go maybe 75% of the places my SxS will go. I put a cycle rack on the TW and mounted my koplin gun boot/scabbard to it, I will swap between that and the bow scabbard. If I need to carry weight, I will probably make multiple trips at a low speed.
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