I've used my homemade pulk to get meat out- should qualify- that's w/ snow
it's a Paris Expedition sled, rope around the edge and then through two smaller diameter pvc pipes- hooked to a pack belt (even better with shoulder straps) it pulls pretty decently- I mainly use it in the winter for camping, but it works well with meat too
I picked up an ice fishing sled at Wally World for about $40 that works pretty good. Saw the same or very similar at Sportsmans Warehouse under the Eagle Claw brand.
If you can find a military surplus Ahkio sled, they work incredibly well. Have used one for moose, elk, and bison. Can put a rope on each end which is helpful for control, they're durable, and they're skinny so they move through the snow well. I don't have any pictures but if you google "Ahkio sled" you'll see what I'm talking about.
My dad bought a roll up sled called the Deer Sleigh'r made by Magnum to use in the mountains for elk hunting. We haven't used it yet so I can't recommend for or against it but wanted to point it out to you. Good luck.
Jet Sled works for deer with snow for sure. In all the sports stores here in Midwest. They make 2 larger sizes too - but don't know if they are a regional maker.
The buck is actually a 7x7, basic 5x5 frame with 2 stickers around the bases, so gross is 159 and change.....net is around 147, but nets are for fish!!! First buck with a crossbow as well!