Chest rigs and concealed carry in the backcountry

Feb 26, 2012
Annapolis, MD
Moderators, if this request isn't allowed, please feel free to delete it.

I am putting together an article on using chest rigs, like HPGs Kit bag or Kifaru's old Koala, for concealed carry while hunting, hiking, camping, trail running, or other activities in the backcountry. I would like to know what you all use for this purpose, what you like about it, and what you don't like/would change about it in terms of concealed carry.

Larry Schwartz
I've never used a chest rig for CCW, but my sister has used both HPG and a Wilderness Safepacker quite a bit. As I recall she prefers the HPG and uses it for running and biking in urban and semi urban trails. Biggest issue that I remember her mentioning with the Safepacker is that it was really slow on presentation. With a little practice she could get a gun into action from the kit bag pronto.

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I use the HPG Kit, Recon, and Snubby but primarily carry the Kit bag. Depending on what I'm doing, I'll typically have a G20 w/ a 6" barrel in the pistol compartment using the Raven trigger guard as I don't trust the Glock to flop around. Nothing against the gun, just my preference. In the middle compartment, I have my GPS and cell phone, extra calls and misc items. Front compartment holds headlamp, whistle, lighter, chapstick and compass. Other times, I'll swap out the GPS, calls and misc items with my Swaro 10x42 EL's in the middle compartment.

What I like best about any of them is I can tie them into the loadlifters on my pack which keeps the weight of the unit off of my back, shoulders, and neck. It will however pull your pack forward into your back but not a deal breaker for me. The bag looks unassuming and pistol presentation is fast depending on how open the zippers are. I'm right handed so I've oriented the zippers to open from right to left, middle pouch left to right. The only dislike I have with it is it can be a drag if I'm sitting someplace to glass and take my pack off as all that stuff will weight down my neck and shoulders. Also, you have to discipline yourself not to overload it as it can get "bulky". I've yet to have an issue shooting a rifle or compound bow while wearing it.
I'm pretty much going to echo what Husky390 said. I carry a Glock 20 in an Original Kit Bag (also using a Raven trigger guard holster). I'm not concerned with concealment in the backcountry but I like having all the other things in my kb within easy access, it's just convenience that I can also carry a sidearm there. I only ever tried running with my KB once, I kept it full as it would be normally and it didnt work well for me at all. I could see a Snubby being better for running but a full up Original caused a lot of hot spots for me even with the stabilizer strap.
Thanks guys, keep it coming.

I haven't been able to put my hands on a Koala or Koala Lite from Kifaru but I do have an original HPG Kit Bag and like it. I think that I would probably use a velcro attached holster in the back pocket for my handgun and leave the zipper open on the right side so it is easy to reach in and draw it when I needed it. What are your thoughts on leaving one side open like that? Do you see a problem with stuff getting inside of the pocket due to the zipper being open?

Also, other than the Kit bag or Koala, do you know of anything else similar that is on the market? Maybe a harness with a pocket that attaches to it for wearing on your chest? I'm not interested in attaching a pocket to your pack shoulder straps, this needs to be something that you can wear stand alone without a backpack.

I looked at every chest rig on the market and tried out a couple. I ended up with a Gunfighters Inc. Kenai rig and couldn't be happier.

The chest pouch rigs seemed cumbersome to draw from. I really didn't care about concealment so that swung me to just wearing the Kenai and throwing my bino pouch over top if I need to while hunting.
I looked at every chest rig on the market and tried out a couple. I ended up with a Gunfighters Inc. Kenai rig and couldn't be happier.

The chest pouch rigs seemed cumbersome to draw from. I really didn't care about concealment so that swung me to just wearing the Kenai and throwing my bino pouch over top if I need to while hunting.

What he said! Kenai is awesome, If you want to conceal it, just toss a vest or light jacket over it. Doesn't look as odd as a chest bag being used as a stand alone on the trail.

Larry - not to divert your topic but I have been playing with a blue force gear chest rig for hunting. Currently a rack minus loaded with the basic gear in lieu of a bingo harness. From right to left I have a fhf range finder pouch, an fhf bino pouch and a mil spec monkey admin pouch. It works well with or without a pack and if one were inclined could mount a pouch cable of concealing a pistol instead of the admin pouch or the range finder. The shoulder harness is built for carrying combat load outs so easily handles hunting basics without a lot of bulk.
I've used a koala, koala lite, and all the HPG kit bags. They are nice and worked well for their given purpose. I've used chest rigs for work and for hunting as well. I don't use them or a bino harness much anymore because I've found that I tend to pack more junk around than I needed to.

Now I just use a holster that I can go from my pack belt to my pants belt and call it good.

I'm not much into the concealment gig, and want simple. Having a chest rig of some sort also meant I'd have to add drawing from it to my practice regime and I'm way too lazy for that.
Now I just use a holster that I can go from my pack belt to my pants belt and call it good.

Ditto for me. Have plenty of concealment Holsters for a variety of carry options. If I have a pack I have just gone to a full size pistol usually in a clip on holster. Move the gun from the pack to the pack belt as needed.

The only downside for me is I drop the pack occasionally to scout around/lighten things up. Its easy enough to take the holster off the pack belt and put on my pants belt. I just have to remember to do it. Sometimes thats the challenge.
I leave my pistol compartment slightly unzipped on the side all the time. There's been times where I've unzipped it to the top corner and had no issues putting my hand around the gun or getting debris inside.

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I recently picked up a HPG snubby kit bag and I am really enjoying it. I have been hiking a few local trail around town and wanting something to carry a few items in including my Glock 19. I prefer not to open carry on these types of trails around town but I always like to have my gun. I recently took my 6 yr old daughter with me and when we returned back to the trail head there was a car sitting there with three rough looking guys standing around. I had my little 380 concealed in my pants but at the time the gun felt inadequately small. I went home and ordered the HPG snubby kit and have used it several times since then. I am a smaller guy, 5'4" and 145lbs. and the snubby works perfectly for me. I can carry a knife, phone, license, and my Glock 19. If I'm hiking into the forrest I usually carry the gun in a holster attached to the waist belt of my Kifaru but I may give the HPG a try this winter. I really like having the gun with me for quick access at all times.
Diamond D leather Guides choice with Glock 10mm for me

Diamond D makes one hell of a holster. I didn't own one, but I think one is in my future. For now, this is my BC holster, although, I don't try to conceal it.

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Now I just use a holster that I can go from my pack belt to my pants belt and call it good.

I wear my G20 on my hip on my pants belt with or without my pack. I can't stand anything on my chest when I'm hunting. Bad enough to have a pack on my back let alone a bunch of stuff on my chest too. But I guess if you want to "conceal" carry in the backcountry, that's about your only option to have any type of access to it.
Thanks for the Diamond D suggestion, it looks good. Unfortunately, I am looking for something on the chest that will allow for carrying a firearm concealed, not in an exposed holster. The article is for an issue whose theme is concealed carry in different environments.
The Kifaru Kola is pretty easy to get to your CCW, if the zippers are placed in the right position, a quick pull of the tab will open it right up. It took me a little while to get use to it, but i found if the two zippers are paired together in the upper corner that you want to open it will split evenly and quickly with the pull tabs.

If you do not like the Kola or HPG, Eberlestock has a bino harness that they slapped a CCW holster on the back. It doesnt seem like it would be as good as the Kola or HPG for CCW, but it seems like a bino harness is the main purpose.

It would be nice is AGC and Kifaru would pair up to make a hybrid Kola and bino harness.
What size weapon are you trying to conceal? My everyday/all the time conceal goes in my front pocket, but not really suitable for bear protection. Diamond D also makes chest holsters.

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The HPG Original Kit Bag was one of those pieces of gear I resisted for quite a while only because I was so tired of hearing people rant and rave about them and it felt like a lot of bandwagon BS. I gave in and bought one and am a pretty big fan. I have carried guns as small as a S&W 642 Airweight .38 Spl, Glock 19, on up to a 4" S&W 629 .44 Magnum. It carries these guns well and offers fairly quick access.

I have used mine for carrying a gun while hunting, camping, backpacking, trail use and also in town while running stairs. I put my phone in there and have the headphone wire sticking out of it so it looks like I'm using it as a way to carry my phone, etc. (and a Glock). :D


1. Compatibility with wearing a backpack. The gun isn't on your waistline interfering with the pack belt and also the gun isn't attached to your pack hip belt so when you take your pack off, you're still carrying your gun. This is handy when filtering water, dropping a deuce or milling around camp.
2. Depending on the color, it doesn't scream "gun" in those instances where it might be an issue. My dad just got the OG kit bag in black and I kind of like it. I wish I'd maybe have got foliage green instead of coyote, but it's not a huge deal.
3. Allows you to carry more gear than just a gun. Fire kit, emergency gear, etc. Depending on the size of the gun you can also carry binos in there if using it as a bino harness. I did this this season and carried 10x42s and a snubby with no issues.


1. You can overload them if you aren't careful. It ain't a day pack!
2. It can take a little getting used to carrying stuff on your chest and also ironing out the draw stroke of presenting the pistol.

Just another option out there that works for some better than others depending on their application.