Day 5 - Tuesday - 9/20: Up again well before first light, with lots of bugling both above and below camp. Went down to the area where I’d had the encounter with the bull earlier in the week - and again, there was a bull bugling away on the north facing slope. This time, I had the wind to work in on him. Made it across the stream, began working up. Got to a very steep, thick area where I was convinced I wouldn’t be able to get closer with the terrain without being heard, so began cow calling and immediately getting responses - lost and assembly type calls. I was pretty sure I had a herd above me as I thought I could hear some cow calls as well. All off a sudden I hear an elk coming down the hill “mewing” very softly. I swear you could have confused it with a house cat the noises it was making coming down the hill. I’m thinking it’s a cow, but it turned out to be the herd bull coming in on a rope to 20 yards. Softly “mew” “mew” “mew” like a cat as he came. WTF????? Very cool….
Unfortunately - it was a tough setup, and i didn’t have shot where he stopped. At this point, he’s staring right at me, bolts from 20 yards to 40 yards as I come to full draw. But, he stops with his head and neck visible, vitals obscured. Needed one more step, but he took off up the hill. After that, fired up some aggressive bugling, he stayed fired up, but eventually a sentry cow came back in to find out what was up, spent 30 minutes staring me down and barking before they all moved off up the hill.
Went back to camp, and then headed up towards the alpine along a different ridge as I figured I’d disturbed this area enough. Never made it to the alpine, started hearing (and chasing) bugles midday. At one point, came face to face with a 5x4 satellite that must’ve been bedded in the area. He wasn’t scared, but I wasn’t ready, so moved off without offering me a shot.
Managed to work inside 75 yards on a screaming bull, but never laid eyes on him. It was very windy, and swirling, so my guess is he smelled me and took off.
Moved back down and set up on a field for the last 2 hours of light, more out of exhaustion, saw nothing for the rest of the day.
Sightings: Came to full draw on the “mewing” herd bull, 1-2 cows, 1 5x4 Satellite bull, lots of bugling.
My camp visible here if you look closely:
Up close:
Day 6 - Wednesday - 9/21: Up towards the alpine today, determined to make it up to the ridgeline at the top of the area I was hunting, traverse the ridge, and come down through some high bedding areas from above in early afternoon. Had a bull come in to a cold calling sequence as I was packing up to leave 45 minutes after I started, never saw him but heard him leave fast as I was throwing my backpack on. Otherwise, I would see or hear no Elk all day. Found a nice high elevation camp site that someone had obviously used before, and a water hole near by. Would be nice to head back here in the future.
Saw Mountain Goats, which was very cool!
Sat out for a while enjoying the view, rifle at the ready just in case a mule deer came out:
Coming down was a clusterf**k. Very steep, thermals were heading downhill in early afternoon. Very thick. I was also above the area where the deer hunters had camped, so was fairly certain the elk could’ve been blown out of this area.
Sightings: Mountain Goats! 2 Muley Does in the morning. 1 Muley Doe in the evening.
Day 7 - Thursday - 9/22: Went to glass above camp, saw nothing. Continued up and over into an adjacent canyon following a trail. Let out a location bugle getting a response. Began working in on a screaming bull. Eventually, I let out a couple cow calls as I wasn’t sure where he was. Unfortunately - I was in terrain I hadn’t been in before, and didn’t realize he’d gotten some elevation on me, and was waiting for the “Cow” to move out into the open. After about 10 minutes of not hearing anything, I began to try to move in, and he saw me. Biggest Bull I saw on the entire trip - BIG. Unfortunately, he was whirling and heading in the other direction fast as I saw him. Post mortem - terrain was too open, I needed to work in closer before calling.
Went up in elevation to get a cell signal and check the weather. Spotted 2 spike muley bucks, 2 does on the way up. Made a mental note to sit this small field again.
Made my way back to base camp and the truck for the first time since Sunday. Was running out of food, and had rain / snow coming in. Spent the night in a comfortable, warm base camp after heading into the nearest town for a burger.
Sightings: 1 BIG Bull Elk. 2 Muley Does, 2 Muley Spikes
Day 8 - Friday - 9/23: Up early in the rain, did the 3 miles to spike camp in the rain in the dark. Dropped food off and headed up a ridge behind my camp. Circled down into a lower drainage this day finding this in a tree:
But, ultimately saw nothing other than grouse. Back to basecamp because of more rain and snow, and into town for another Burger.